Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Oracle Message from the Fairy Realm 4/14/09

Title: Mystic World ~ Image copyright © Rainbow Tree (aka Kandice Thompson)

From time to time the Fairy folk feel a need to speak a message for those that want to listen. Each week, sometimes less or as requested from the magical realms, I do an Oracle Reading with the Fairies to ask their guidance and opinions on life in general. I do this for myself and anyone else who wants to listen or read. Their messages is alway resonated with many around the globe.

The message received this week is: "Magic of Nature".

Many times when you feel down, depressed or drained of energy without knowing why, it is becasue you are disconnected from Mother Earth. When we don't connect with Mother Earth on a regular basis she too feels distraught. Nature has an abundance of gifts. Many of us see them as flowers, birds, trees and so on. Mother Nature also offers us her gifts of imagination, healing energy, valuable and insightful information and ideas.

The fairies urge you to spend a minimum of 5 minutes a day outside with Nature. Walk among the beauty bestowed in front of you and she'll plant ideas and information into your thoughts, like new saplings from a tree. Connect to the cool sod or sand with your bare feet. Close your eyes, breath deeply and visualize your feet becoming roots of a tree. You are burying them firmly and deep into the earth below. Reach your arms to the sky and see them as branches extended and growing with the magnificent rays from the sun. You are surrounded by the magical energy of Nature and the Fairies. Mentally or aloud ask the fairies to help you with any issues you are facing. Slowly open your eyes and look for tiny specs of flickering of fluttering light. This is the first sign the fairies are surrounding you and listening to your projected thoughts.

The fairies feel you should write or verbally aloud repeat the following affirmation daily:
I feel energized, refreshed and loved when I am outside in nature. I love taking care of every living creature, including myself.


Liberty said...

thank you so much for this reading.
it was so timely and perfect for me.

blessings to you

Rainbow Tree said...

Greetings & many thanks Liberty! I love hearing the stories of resignation from the many messages received from the fairy realm , ancestors and sometimes energy vibrations. Your comment and reading of this blog is highly appreciated! :-) I do apologize for my untimely response. We are currently in the process of moving and last week we spent the entire time preparing for the moving sale we had this weekend.

Wishing you a spectacular week and a wonderful Earth Day!!!
