Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Weekly Oracle Message from the Fairy Realm ~ March 31st - April 6th

Image copyright © Rainbow Tree (aka Kandice Thompson)

From time to time the Fairy folk feel a need to speak a message for those that want to listen. Each week I do an Oracle Reading with the Fairies to ask their guidance and opinions on life in general. I do this for myself and anyone else who wants to listen or read.

The message received this week is: "Moving Forward without Fear".

The fairies ask you to honor your inner feelings. You are currently making a big breakthrough in your life by putting your divine and spiritual ideas into action. Trust your intuition, your gut feeling and your dreams. They aren't just examples of wishful thinking, so please don't ignore them. You have a mission in life but you must move forward in your daily tasks without fear of the next hour, day, week or month.

Allow yourself to move forward fearlessly, taking one step at a time in your adventures and life choices. Take a step and dismantle any section of your life that is out of integrity. Take another step towards realizing your heart's true desires. Even a tiny step that is remotely related to improving your life will make you feel as though you are flying with the fairies in their magical realm.

Keep taking your steps, one at a time. Don't ignore the gifts from those around you both emotional and financial. Don't rush forward with giant leaps. Listen to the inner voice, the gut feelings and strong impulses. This is what the fairies are urging you to do to allow the much needed move without fear.

The fairies feel you should write or verbally aloud repeat the following affirmation daily:
I move forward fearlessly in my life. I trust that each step I take is perfectly guided and divine.

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